

HomeMAKING A RUCKUSHow Warby Parker made a spectacle of content creation

How Warby Parker made a spectacle of content creation

A lot of small to mid-size companies get intimidated by content marketing because we mostly see large-scale success. There are few really smart campaigns that didn’t require an A-list director/cinematographer and a huge production budget (viral videos, anyone?). We zoom on one here.


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A lot of small to mid-size companies get intimidated by content marketing because we mostly see large-scale success stories being heralded and shared across the internet. However, there are few really smart campaigns that didn’t require an A-list director/cinematographer and a huge production budget (viral videos, anyone?).

We love how Warby Parker, a NYC-based online eyewear boutique managed to make a big splash with their content. They happen to be a fairly new player in an 800 year old eyewear industry.

We know the significance emotion plays in digital marketing and how content that brings about positive emotion like delight, joy, amazement and the like is most likely to be shared. If you take a look at any of Warby Parker’s social channels you’ll see why the internet is buzzing about their success.

Why they get a Gold Star:

1. They stepped into the ring with a brash background story that revealed monopolization in the eyewear industry (sorry guys, the secret is out). They became whistle blowers and champions of a market. Ballsy, no?

2. Famously took an original take on the traditional “white paper” with an interactive and content-laden 2013 annual report. Here’s why the “report” was so talked about:

  • Transparent  – They share EVERYTHING: the highs, the lows and some missteps
  • Personified the company and  employees – almost feel like your creeping someone’s FB profile
  • Had something for everyone: Internal employees, customers, potential customers and investors
  • Visually compelling: Original illustrations, high quality photos and infographics

3. Customers who use their Home Try-On service (try 5 glasses at no charge, buy 1 and return the ones you   don’t purchase) voluntarily post trial pics on their Facebook page.

4. Very active and responsive on major social media channels (Twitter, FB, YouTube, Google+) and customers just love that.

Warby Parker customer showcasing her Home Try-On


These maneuvers left lasting impressions on audiences, intended and otherwise (think high impact, low cost).  Take note: that disrupting the norm and can bring the spotlight to your content for the right reasons. 

Posted by
on 15/04/2014